David Schuman's Success for Life Podcast w/Zybek Sports Founder Mike Weinstein Episode #9

David Schuman's Success for Life Podcast w/Zybek Sports Founder Mike Weinstein Episode #9

startup success, developing an engineering product & growing biz

Show notes

Mike Weinstein was a NASA engineer and contractor for engineering and science and built a huge reputation and success in that area. He is now the founder for the last several years of an exciting startup that does sports timing systems for the NFL combine, NUC Sports and many others. He discusses his entrpreneural past and present and the lessons of breaking into one of toughest industries in the world. THE NFL! You can see more on david schuman @nucsports on twitter and nucsports.com and more on mike @zybeksports on twitter and zybeksports.com

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Visit us @sportstechguys on twitter and instagram and visit Dave Schuman @nucfootball on twitter and Rick Serritella @nfldraftbible on twitter.


David Schuman

David Schuman

CEO of NUC Sports, Founder of Success For Life Podcast, and Football Head Coach

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Mike Weinstein

Mike Weinstein

CEO of Zybex Timing Systems

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